Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Child Safety Seat News

This is a disheartening post from Time, but it highlights what I see everyday on the roads in GA.   
Car crashes are one of the main causes of death and injury in children age 3 and older. The problem is that moms, dads, aunts, uncles and grandparents don’t use car seats properly, or have little to no idea about don’t know what the guidelines are for car safety restraints, says a study that was published in the  American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
In 2011, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) updated its child passenger safety guidelines that include:  
  • Rear-facing car seats for kids until at least age 2, or when the child exceeds the maximum height and weight recommended by the car seat manufacturer
  • Forward-facing car seats with a five-point harness for kids over 2, until the child reaches the seat’s maximum weight and height
  • Booster seats until an adult seat belt fits properly, typically when the child reaches 57 inches in height (4 ft., 9 in.), between 8 and 12 years of age
  • Back seat riding with seat belt until age 13

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