Thursday, July 20, 2006

Wyoming Trial Lawyers: New Blog and Broadcast Page

The WTLA has paired up with my friends at The Legal Broadcast Network to creat a website titled, "Broadcast and blog page of The Wyoming Trial Lawyers Association."

The site says: We are now proud to unveil the creation and first efforts of the WTLA Channel, the first state trial lawyers association channel to be featured on The Legal Broadcast Network as well as one of the first trial lawyer association in the nation to provide podcasts, blogging and audio content at no cost to it's members for the general public.

All of the content, both print, audio and video, will be created and provided by The Wyoming Trial Lawyers Association.

You can find it by going here. Mark Wahlstrom tells me there are high hopes for this endeavor, and you can see that the page will include:

The WTLA Coffeehouse Podcasts: Bi-weekly audio podcasts with Executive Director Marcia Shanor and Association President Attorney Richard Jamison. Other experts and members of WTLA will be frequent guests on this 15 minute call in podcast.

It's an idea that has been discussed for several months, and now you can see the fruit of their labors. I encourage any trial attorney (or Association for Justice Attorney) to contact Mark Wahlstrom if there is interest for your state's Association.