Wednesday, February 22, 2006

STLA this week; Dave Swanner's Blog

Southern Trial Lawyers Association (STLA) in NOLA beginning tonight. I'm headed there, so not much will be posted here on TH or FR. Speaking at the STLA will be Dave Swanner, who has a blog at and who showed me the value of blogging.

Here's a useful article he has under 'Resources' that should help in your practice -- for those that have not visted his site, you should:

Digitizing X-Rays

Showing jurors x-rays can be a powerful tool. Especially if your client has a prothesis or hardware. The hardware is a vivid way to make real the pain and difficulties your client has gone through. Assuming you have a laptop and a projector, you can easily get the x-rays into your computer.

1. Take a Picture with a Digital Camera – Put the x-ray in a lightbox and use a good digital camera to take a pic of the illuminated x-ray.

2. Have Your Local Camera Shop Digitize it – An x-ray is a film negative. Granted it’s a large negative, but its’ still just a negative. Your local camera shop should be able to put it on disk for you for a nominal fee.

3. Send it to a Service Bureau – You can send the x-rays to MedQuest and they will put them on disk and ship it back to you for about $10 to $15 an x-ray depending on the volume you do. I know a number of other local/statewide litigation support firms also do this work.

It can be found here.