Wednesday, January 04, 2012

2012: A Georgia Lawyer Blog Turns 7

Birthday Cake
Image via Wikipedia
Sort of. The A Georgia Lawyer Blog turns 7 at month's end. Nearly 1700 posts later, we've been blogging on average about 5 times a week, each year from 2005 until the end of 2011.

Hopefully you've not grown tired of our twist on pharma litigation, tech, and things southern - dogs, college football, Mardi Gras, and the heat.

For 2012 stay tuned. We'll spend a little more time on tech for the office and outside of it. More story telling, more basic news without an agenda (and some news with it). More information on trials. More news about dogs, sweet tea, the crazies in New Orleans, goings on in the SEC and beyond, MDL reports, jury trials, and more.

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