Friday, October 02, 2015

New York Advisory Position Regarding Juror Research and Social Media

Definitely worth a read:

TOPIC: Jury Research and Social Media
DIGEST: Attorneys may use social media websites for juror research as long as no communication occurs between the lawyer and the juror as a result of the research. Attorneys may not research jurors if the result of the research is that the juror will receive a communication. If an attorney unknowingly or inadvertently causes a communication with a juror, such conduct may run afoul of the Rules of Professional Conduct. The attorney must not use deception to gain access to a juror’s website or to obtain information, and third parties working for the benefit of or on behalf of an attorney must comport with all the same restrictions as the attorney. Should a lawyer learn of juror misconduct through otherwise permissible research of a juror’s social media activities, the lawyer must reveal the improper conduct to the court.
RULES: 3.5(a)(4); 3.5(a)(5); 3.5(d); 8.4
Read more here: