Monday, December 29, 2008

Social Media for Lawyers

I've been reading/catching up on Social Media for Lawyers. One site list the top myths regarding it, and here is one highlight:

Myth: Social media tactics are too time consuming.

Truth: Social media tactics could take hours and days, but they do not have to take that much time to be effective. The simple solution is to allot a certain amount of time each day for social media efforts. Set aside an hour or so and blog on Monday, network using LinkedIn or Facebook on Tuesday, use twitter when you have some down time, etc. Remember to go your own pace and plan what works best according to your personal preferences and goals. If you decide you do not want to take on the responsibilities yourself, hire someone in-house to or outsource your social media campaign to a marketing company.

Source here, from Tom Foster.

Good advice. Will lawyers listen? At the end of the day, a lawyer has to wan to go online and post to a blog, use LinkedIn, or use Twitter. I remember the first six months of this blog - I was certain no one was reading it. That has changed, and it has taken "only" two years to have folks ergularly comment on or reply to posts.