I ran across the Ben Glass blog, here. Mr. Glass in turn links to an ezine article about yellow page marketing for businesses. The article tells of nine mistakes made in yellow page ads, including:
Imitating the competition and
Writing an ad that pleases you, while ignoring the buyer's self-interest.
I note this today because in our offices a set of phone books from North Atlanta arrived. I must tell you that many of the lawyer ads are TERRIBLE. One Firm has a double truck two page ad that lists just about every type of injury case the firm handles. The ad also lists bankrupcty, real estate, adoptions, three offices, has two photographs, but no website address.
Further in the attorney section, the Firm has decided to reduce the size of this mess, but keep the same content, throughout. What a mess. I am sure that the firm is very proud of the ad.
Have you reviewed your ad lately, if you are in the YP?